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CouchDB is Awesome

Website:     •     Github/LinkedIn: brockers     •     Twitter/Slack: @rrockers

Automation Integrated Dangers of SQL

Sanitize your inuts

Automation Integrated Non-relational Database, aka NoSQL

Column, Key-Value, Graph & Document

Automation Integrated CouchDB Inside

Documents, B-Trees, & Keys... Oh my
CouchDB Trees

Automation Integrated Like this...

						 { name: value } 

Automation Integrated Or like this...

	{ name: value }:
	{ name:
		{ name:
			{ name: value }

Automation Integrated CouchDB Outside

Or why I hate ODBC, table translation, and SQL in general
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

Automation Integrated Relax

InsertCreate POST
Select ReadGET

Automation Integrated Wait, so I can...

						curl -X GET localhost:5984

Automation Integrated Create a DB with...

						curl -X PUT localhost:5984/something_old

Automation Integrated Inserting be like...

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
            -X POST \
            -d '{"company": "IBM Inc."}'

Automation Integrated Or Upload whole docs

						curl -X PUT -d @example.json localhost:5984/something_blue/12345

Automation Integrated Select stuff

						curl -X GET localhost:5984/somethign_old/12345

Automation Integrated Built In GUI


Automation Integrated What about Map/Reduce

If our documents are JSON & our results are JSON...
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CouchDB: The Definitive Guide •
JSONStudio Sample Data •
CouchDB HTML Parameters •
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